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Happy Joy Essential Oil - Happy Joy Foot Bath




  • 1 tbsp carrier oil
  • ½ cup of sea salt
  • ½ cup Epsom salt
  • 3-6 drops Happy Joy Essential Oil Blend
  • Stainless steel spoon
  • Foot basin or bath


  1. Blend the Epsom and sea salts together in the foot basin.
  2. Add the carrier oil in the Epsom and sea salt mixture.
  3. Add 3 - 6 drops of Happy Joy Essential Oil Blend.
  4. Fill your foot bath with hot or cool water as desired. Blend the salts into the water. Add your scented cream mixture to your foot bath water and thoroughly mix them.
  5. Relax and enjoy soaking your feet for 10–15 minutes while sipping a glass of pure, fresh water with a slice of fresh lemon.
  6. Rinse your feet with cool water after finishing your foot bath. Towel dry your feet and allow yourself to rest afterward.

Author: Katie Veldkamp

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